by Librarian Paul (Staff) -
Number of replies: 1

Welcome to your online classroom. As part of a virtual community, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines for a safe and smooth online experience. If you have any questions about any of the guidelines, please contact the Dean of Students.

Security is a high priority. Protect your password. You are subject to all institutional, local, state, and federal laws.

  • Don't share your password with anyone.
  • Change your password if you think your account was compromised.
  • Always log out when you are done.
  • Do not click any unknown link.
  • Never give out personal information.
  • If you feel you are being harassed, report it immediately to your tutor of the Dean of Students.


  • You will be able to join the Zoom class 15 minutes before your class is due to start. Be punctual.
  • Dress appropriately.
  • You can use an appropriate virtual background to hide anything that may distract the class.
  • Keep your microphone muted when the tutor is teaching.
  • No screenshots or pictures are to be taken during a class session without permission of the tutor and all class members.
  • Use the chat box function if you have a question or something you’d like to say.
  • You may unmute your microphone during discussion. Keep all background noise to a minimum.
  • Be respectful of others. Do not use profanity or inappropriate language.
  • A staff will be on standby during class, you can send a private chat to ask for assistance.