Course image Prayer Book
Moore College

Prayer Book explores the liturgy of the Anglican denomination, and especially the role of the Prayer Book in providing a structure for that liturgy.  The course has an historical aspect, tracing the development of the Prayer Book from its pre-Reformation form to the current contemporary iterations, noting the political and cultural forces that informed this development.  The course is also concerned with the theological nature of the Prayer Book, drawing from the Bible and theology to explain why the Prayer Book has the precise form it does.

Course image Christian Ethics
Moore College

Ethics lays out the beginnings of a Christian ethical framework.  It starts with a thorough examination of the foundation: the grace that is found in the gospel.  From there the status of moral rules in general and the importance of motivation and the role of conscience in ethical decision-making is considered.  The course will explore both the permissive and the prohibitive aspects of a Christian ethical framework, and engage with some contemporary ethical issues from a Christian standpoint.

Course image Christian Worship
Moore College

Christian Worship explores how we can best worship God with a particular emphasis on what should happen when we gather together in worship.  We begin by tracing the origins of worship through the Old Testament sacrificial system, moving on to consider the changes brought to worship by the gospel.  With this groundwork laid, the course then considers topics such as the use of music and liturgy in public worship gatherings.

Course image Old Testament 4
Moore College

Old Testament 4 focuses on those sections of the Old Testament devoted to the perennial questions and concerns of God’s people at any time.  This includes books devoted to living well in God’s world (the Hebrew concept of ‘wisdom’) as well as liturgical literature that helps us to bring our whole lives, both joyous and painful, before God.  In these sections of the Old Testament there are also works that explicitly look forward to the ‘end times’, preparing God’s people for a new age to come.

Course image Reformation Church History
Moore College

Reformation Church History covers the history of the church during the period of the reformation.  It introduces students to the late medieval religious context from which the reformation grew and draws attention to the theological importance of the reformation led by Martin Luther.  It also covers the Catholic response to the reformation along with the connection between political and theological reform, especially in Switzerland and Tudor England.  The course provides a glimpse of how God’s people at the time contended for the truth of the gospel in all matters of life.

Course image Old Testament 3
Moore College

Old Testament 3 is a study of the Latter Prophets.  God sent these ‘writing’ prophets to Israel in the periods leading up to, during and after the exile.  The course will help students encounter a wide range of topics and literary styles.  Prominent in this material are warnings about coming judgement and promises of future redemption and blessing, although a special emphasis is placed on the promise of a new covenant that finds its fulfilment in the gospel.

Course image New Testament 3
Moore College

New Testament 3 examines all of Paul’s letters (other than Romans, which is covered separately) and introduces students to the distinctive language, theology and style of the Apostle to the Gentiles.  It covers the wide range of theological issues found in Paul’s work such as ethical guidance about proper Christian conduct; teaching on church leadership and governance; theological reflections on the nature of Christ; and the expositions of the relationship of Law and grace.

Course image Gospel of John
Moore College

Gospel of John focuses on the unique account that is John’s Gospel, exploring what is distinctive about this particular biography of Jesus both in terms of content and style.  Among the distinctive features of John that are drawn out through the close reading of the text, the themes of ‘life’ and ‘discipleship’ are paid special attention.  Specifically, what does it mean to ‘live’ or ‘abide’ in Jesus, and what does being a disciple of Jesus actually require?

Course image Romans
Moore College

Romans examines Paul’s most important theological work - his Letter to the Christians at Rome.  Students will be introduced to some of the great themes in Romans that also dominate the rest of the Bible from beginning to end.  Themes such as sin and its consequences, grace, Law, judgement, predestination, salvation and blessing.  It also explores God’s great plan to reverse the effects of sin and rebellion and to save a people for himself – as well as the ongoing place of the Jews in God’s plans and purposes now that Jesus has come.

Course image Early Church History
Moore College

Early Church History covers the history of the church through its first five centuries, introducing students to the theological debates that ultimately led to the formal statements of Christian faith contained in the great creeds.  This period also displays the many practical challenges the church faced as a minority population whereby Christians are often faced with the choice of dying for their faith or denying their faith.

Course image Doctrine 2
Moore College

Doctrine 2 focuses on what we know about the identity of Christ and what he accomplished, especially on the cross.  The course explores the theological approaches to understanding how Christ’s humanity relates to his divinity, and further, showing the implications of his natures on what was ultimately achieved by his death and resurrection.  Included in the investigation of the cross is an examination of the nature of sin and its effects.

Course image Old Testament 2
Moore College

Old Testament 2 is a study of the Former Prophets detailing the history of the nation of Israel after the Exodus.  It examines the experience of Israel from their entry into the promised land of Canaan to her eventual exile, as recounted in the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings.  This period provides a glimpse of what it meant for God’s people to live securely in God’s place, guided by his king and prophets.  The course explores how we are to understand the Kingdom of God from this period and the events look to the New Testament promise of an eternal inheritance.

Course image New Testament 2
Moore College

New Testament 2 is a study of the book of Acts.  Acts shows how the spread of the gospel in the early decades of the church was directed by the risen Christ, fulfilling the Old Testament expectations that God would bless the whole world through his people the Jews.  Particular attention is paid in the course to the ministries of Peter and Paul, which advanced this plan to bless all the peoples to a new stage.  The course shows how the risen and ascended Christ continues to work through his gospel and the Holy Spirit to bring men and women into his kingdom.

Course image Ephesians
Moore College

Ephesians systematically works through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, showing that God’s intention is to unify all things in Christ.  While we wait for this reality to be completely fulfilled, God has already provided a living demonstration of this unity in the church, in which the fundamental distinction between Jew and Gentile has now been overcome.  The subject unpacks the implications of this unity for individuals, the church and the whole creation, teaching us how we should live as the people of God.

Course image Doctrine 1
Moore College

Doctrine 1 focuses on what we can know about God based on what he has revealed of himself to us in the Scriptures - how we are to know him, what he is like, and what he has done for us.  An important part of this subject is examining the nature and authority of Scripture itself, in which the concept of the covenant is central.  In addition to examining God’s sovereignty and his Trinitarian nature, the subject also looks at the ideas of power, repentance, salvation and judgement.

Course image Old Testament 1
Moore College

Old Testament 1 is a study of the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy).  It examines the foundational events in these books such as creation, the fall, the promises to Abraham, exodus from Egypt and the giving of the Law.  The great themes of sin, covenant, redemption, sacrifice and blessing all emerge from this study and the course shows how these all point forward to the work of Christ.

Course image New Testament 1
Moore College

New Testament 1 is a study of the Gospel of Mark.  It explores God’s purpose in sending Jesus as the Christ and takes a systematic approach to reading through the Gospel.  Mark poses two central questions to his readers: ‘Who is Jesus?’ and ‘What did Jesus come to do?’.  Attention is paid to locating the identity and work of Jesus in the context of the Old Testament expectations of the Messiah and showing how Jesus fulfils those expectations.

Course image Promise to Fulfilment
Moore College

Promise to Fulfilment presents Biblical Theology as the key to understanding the Scriptures as a whole.  Students are trained in a method for reading the Bible in a cohesive and integrated manner.  Particular attention is paid to interpreting each passage of the Bible in light of its place in the single overarching story that binds the Bible together as a whole.

Course image Introduction to the Bible
Moore College

Introduction to the Bible shows how the great themes of the Bible fit together into one story that spans both the Old and the New Testaments, and at the centre of this one story is Jesus. This course shows how the various books in the Bible relate to one another historically and theologically, especially how God’s plan to redeem his people, which begins with the promises to Abraham and continues through the fortunes of the nation of Israel, reaches its climax at the cross.